Using Student View

You can use the Student View button in your Course Settings to make sure everything looks the way you want it before publishing your course. If you've ever wondered whether your students see the same things in your course that you do, Student View can help. 

How do I access Student View?

Click on the Settings link at the bottom of the Navigational Toolbar. Click on the "Student View" button on the upper right side of the page.

 student view.jpg

How do I use Student View?

After you press Student View, you will be brought to your course's home page and you will be able to navigate through your course, seeing only what students will see. When you are done, press "Leave Student View" at the bottom of your page. You can also choose to "Reset Student" which will clear all history for the student and allow you to start student view again with a clean slate.


Additional Resource

Canvas Instructor Guide: How do I access Student View?