Grade One Quiz Question at a Time
Using this feature you can grade essay and short-answer graded quiz questions for all students at the same time. Note: this option doesn't automatically come up unless you check the box to apply this setting in Speedgrader.
Accessing the Grade One Quiz Question at a Time Option in Speedgrader
The first thing you need to do to use this feature is to go into your Speedgrader settings and check the box to "grade by question." The following directions will explain how to do this:
- Click on a Quiz that has Essay and/or Short-Answer Questions.
- Click on the Speedgrader link (right side of page)
- Click on the Settings link (upper right side of the page in very small font)
- Check the "Grade by Question (beta)" box
- Click the "Save Settings" button
Overview of the Grade One Quiz Question at a Time Option
When question grading is enabled, Canvas will display a number bar above the quiz view panel to represent each question in your quiz.
- Numbers in gray boxes with gray numbers (See #1 in picture above) represent questions that have already been graded. These are multiple-choice, true/false, and other types of questions where instructors can assign the answer and have Canvas grade the quiz automatically.
- Numbers in white boxes with blue numbers (See #2 in picture above) represent questions that need to be graded manually. These include essay and short-answer questions where students have to manually go in and assign a grade. These are questions that can be graded using the grade one question at a time feature.
- Canvas will also display a yellow notification bar (See #3 in picture above) with the quiz questions that need to be reviewed and assigned a grade.
Steps for using the Grade One Question in Speedgrader
Select a Question: To view a question, click the question number in the number bar. If a question needs to be manually graded, you can click the question number directly within the notification window (#3 above).
- Assign a Grade: enter the score in the points field and any comments and then click the Update Scores button.
- Advance to Next Student:To review the same question for all students at the same time, return to the student submission list. (drop down list of students names) and either click on the arrow button or click the pull down menu and select a student.
Additional Resource
Canvas Instructor Guides: How do I grade one Quiz Question question at a time in Speedgrader?